Making any of your big life choices -- who you are in relationship with, where you live, where you work, who you work with, how and when you do your work -- with
money as your compass is the path to unhappiness, frustration and stress.
You know it, we know it, and yet until now (for most of us) there has been no alternative.
Money simply had to be your compass. I mean, you have to put food on the table, right? It's what we learned. And we weren't given any other possibilities. So we did our best to get it, save it, and create security for ourselves and our families.
Well, let this be your money wake-up call. What you've been taught is a lie and it's wasting your life to keep believing it.
You no longer have to sacrifice your one precious life and the relationships that ultimately matter for an infinitely renewable resource that is actually quite easy to get when you know what you actually need and put your most valuable, non-renewable resources of time, energy and attention to work for you.
Money doesn't have to be the compass for your life. You already have enough; and have access to all you need.
With the Money Map to Freedom, you'll come into right relationship with time, money and how you get paid to see that money is the fuel, not the compass. You will reclaim your time, energy and attention in service to a life truly worth living.